Construction Management Services
As part of its initial review of project information, PACE Construction Managers can provide a review of the project plan submitted by the design professional. This review is a comprehensive look at the feasibility of the initial milestone dates proposed and an initial estimate of the construction cost based on the limited data available at the time. Recommendations for additional information that should be incorporated in the program such as critical project milestones will be suggested. The revisions will be furnished and discussed with the Owner and Architect to reach a final consensus for the Project Program and insure that it is realistic and feasible and meets the goals of the project in terms of time, quality, and cost.
As a part of the review of the Project Program, within the limits of the available data, PACE Construction Managers may make initial recommendations or suggestions regarding materials and systems that may be cost effective from a constructability and energy utilization perspective for consideration.
When millions of dollars are at stake, you need accurate, up-to-date cost estimates. Our estimates are built upon solid project experience. They are customized to local conditions, and geared to budget control. As professional construction managers, we know that estimating is the first step to cost control, and we prepare estimates that lead to an integrated cost schedule program.
In general, the estimates evolve throughout the pre-construction and construction and typically consist of the following:
Conceptual Estimate
Preliminary Estimate
Final Estimate
Bid Analysis
Change Order Evaluation
Negotiations Support
For each project, the entire team agrees on a timetable for the delivery of estimates based on comparably complete data from the design professional to meet the informational needs of the project.
As an integral part of the estimating done for this project, we will meet with the Owner and Architect to discuss project schedule, budget, and other considerations for the work.
In estimating any job, we examine construction techniques, schedule decisions and special problems. We know the cost effect of varying schedule approaches, and, during construction, how change order evaluations may apply to claims analysis, should that eventuality occur. Our services cover both design and construction.
With our in-house capability, we incorporate local labor and material pricing and provide full documentation with easily understood monthly (or more frequent, if needed) reporting. We adapt our methods to suit the purpose of the estimate and the level of detail desired. We can typically provide a variety of computerized or manually prepared summaries and supporting reports, such as labor man-hours by craft, crew types, and burdened and unburdened estimates forsub-areas within a facility.
Our state of the art construction estimating software "MC2 -ICE 2000" not only provides comprehensive takeoffs and pricing, but integrates with project scheduling and cost reporting. Estimates can be viewed and analyzed by trade, component, basic wage rates and crew productivity and composition.
Constructability Reviews and Design Reviews
The Constructability and Design Reviews will be accomplished by a team of highly qualified professionals routinely engaged in the architectural and engineering design of commercial, industrial, educational, and health care facilities. Additionally, the broad range of professional experience possessed by the review team means that the Owner receives the benefit of a thoroughly experienced independent team of professionals capable of developing unique and real-world solutions to problems encountered as the construction documents are reviewed. The Constructability Review will focus on the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, civil and geo-technical aspects of the project. Constructability and Design Review Services are furnished as directed by the Owner. Generally these include reviews at the Sketch Phase, Preliminary Phase and Final Design Phase. As the project design develops and more decisions are made, the reviews become more in-depth to fully evaluate the construction drawings and specifications.
The Constructability and Design Reviews will include but not be limited to:
Economies of the construction process forthe design elements selected
Identification of potential errors andomissions in the documents
Identification of coordination problemsbetween disciplines
Evaluation of Code compliance
Evaluation of document completion
Additionally construction personnel from PACE Construction Managers will be involved in the review of construction documents at all phases of the project.
At each phase, meetings with the design professional and Owners representatives will be conducted for presentation and review of the documents with the review team. The meeting may be held at the offices of the consultant, PACE Construction Managers, Inc., or another location convenient to the projects participants. A written original report of the findings of the Reviews will be presented to the Owner and Architect for review and implementation to the extent desired.
Value Engineering
In addition to a constructability review by design and construction professionals, PACE will conduct a review of the plans and specifications to give the Owner a real-world perspective about the project. Value Engineering is a continuous process starting in the conceptual stage and continuing through the schematic, design development, and construction document phases of your project. We believe that during the design phase, it is important that the team subject the various systems and equipment to Value Engineering Analysis.
At various milestones of the project, (i.e., conceptual stage, design development stage and final plan stage) construction estimates will be prepared to a level of detail commensurate with the depth of information available at that stage.
Subsequently, any available value engineering alternatives will be developed and presented to the Owner and Architect for consideration.
It is important that all project team members understand that value engineering is not intended to be a cost reduction program which compromises program objectives, aesthetics, building flexibility or function, but rather is a process which, through analysis, optimizes the purchasing power of your project dollars.
Initially, our approach to value engineering is through our in-house team effort. Items or construction methods to be subjected to cost analysis are established by the project team, which includes individuals who bring to the effort the expertise required for the project development. Then we initiate a project-wide team effort, which includes the Owner and his design professional, to develop bonafide alternatives for consideration.
The Value Engineering Analysis also extends to providing options that may substantially improve the functionality or quality of the project with either no additional costs or minimal additional costs to the Owner. In conjunction with the value engineering review, cost and energy saving measures may be identified, as well as items that may compromise the complete achievement of the projects goals for completion time and costs. The life-cycle costs of various product selections and alternatives proposed will also be evaluated as may be applicable.
Further, PACE Construction Manager's often utilizes its existing relationships with Architectural and Engineering firms in the Northeastern Pennsylvania area to complement our own staff. This provides the added resources to perform a thorough review of the plans and specifications to identify potential value engineering items whose incorporation into the project maximizes the benefit to the Owner.
Ideally, the process of evaluation of systems and components and materials should be undertaken from the start of design, and further as the design develops, so that changes, if desired, can be made at the earliest possible time and, therefore, at the least possible cost. Once commitments are made to various approaches to solving project problems or accomplishing program objectives, it becomes increasingly more difficult, and therefore, more costly to change them, regardless of how attractive the alternatives become. Furthermore, individual personalities and positions may impede this process. Changes made later in the design have an effect on other systems and components in a project that may cause extensive redesign, delay in project commencement or increased costs in other areas.
However, involvement in Value Engineering Analysis at the 90-95% design stage is not unfamiliar to PACE. At the Old Forge School District Elementary and Secondary Center Renovations project, PACE was brought on board when the design was essentially complete with refined technical specifications. PACE completed the multiple-based bidding process and was able to implement a few ideas for savings which further reduced project costs by a total of $800,000. The approach of 'multiple-based' bidding resulted in savings of approximately $610,000, while Value Engineering by PACE further reduced costs by an additional $200,000, prior to the taking of bids. This savings allowed the District to consider various enhancements to the project, such as additional site work, refurbishing of lockers, equipment purchases and other amenities. Similarly, at the Wilkes-Barre Area School District's Leo Solomon Plains K-8 School complex, PACE was brought on board after plans and specifications were completed, but nearly 9 months behind schedule due to problems with municipality approvals. By obtaining the requisite approvals and scheduling commitments from contractors, the project was finished by the original completion date, incorporating value engineering initiatives that yielded substantial savings for the district. At another commercial project, recommendations concerning grade changes saved over $50,000 in excavation costs by balancing the cut and fill needed there. These alternatives, developed well into the design and procurement process, provided savings to the owner that far exceeded the cost of the reviews performed.
Cost Control
Each member of the PACE team participates in the development of project goals, design development, procurement, and construction. Close coordination between our team leader, the Project Executive, the Owner, and design professional during each phase of the project assures that the project objectives will be met and exceeded.
Project costs are controlled throughout the process through design considerations, scheduling, procurement, and project management. Our construction management system provides for accurate project estimating, cost accounting, accelerated scheduling, cost effective procurement, and efficient project management systems. The largest contributors to effective cost control and cost reduction are value engineering, the competitive factor, and high quality and efficient construction progress through accurate and detailed scheduling. All have the net effect of increasing the quality and usability of the project while at the same time lowering its cost.
Another hallmark important to cost control in project management is, of course, the frequent and accurate forecasting and reporting of project costs throughout the project development. Financial reports can be provided from the conceptual estimate phase through final planning and throughout the construction period to keep you well-informed. This probably is the most important cost control measure for the Owner. A monthly summary of project costs is included as an integral part of the monthly Construction Management Report, provided to you.
Creation of the project master schedule begins the day we become a member of your construction team. The master schedule becomes the guideline for all project management considerations. Each project phase and
activity is plotted, considering its relationship with other phases and activities, to establish the most efficient and time effective schedule possible.
At the earliest stage of the project, we will provide a critical path method (CPM)- based schedule which includes key milestones including design, permitting and review, bidding, and construction.
The initial entries in the schedule will be the time frame for design and development, design review, procurement, phased construction, substantial completion and occupancy. The schedule process is a dynamic one, always under review to make schedule compressions that will not affect quality but will result in time and cost savings. Continuous review also lessens the impact of the inevitable challenges that occur throughout major projects, making every effort to minimize the impact of these events on the project schedule.
The heart of the PACE scheduling system is the time-scaled diagram on which all activities are plotted. The schedule gives an accurate picture of the project components. The flexibility of our system allows schedules to be understood and communicate information in numerous formats tailored to your requirements. Successful management of the project construction schedule depends on two important components a scheduling department that understands project management concepts and techniques, and a powerful computerized project management system. At PACE we have both!
Our scheduling coordinator successfully manages varied and complex construction scheduling tasks on a regular basis. The project schedule includes dates and identifies activities that are critical to project success. Resource and cost graphics show resource demand by time period. Our approach to scheduling results in our ability to efficiently coordinate the
project and all of the work encompassed in multiple prime contracts as utilized in the phased construction method.
The schedule is updated based on actual field progress and included with the monthly Construction Management Report to you, but can be provided more often if desired.
Our many years of experience, combined with the latest and most powerful automated scheduling tools, provides you with the very best schedule control available. Most importantly, both PACE and the Owner want the job done correctly.
Phased Construction and Fast Tracking
Phased construction may be advantageous and necessary to meet the schedule or to accommodate other constraints of the project. Often the only way a project can be completed in the time frame is through a construction manager with detailed master scheduling, phasing and fast tracking. Time is money. More rapid completion means savings to the Owner, or more extensive renovations and/or construction for the same investment.
While scheduling of the work is under consideration, it is imperative to remember the primary goal of completion of the work with the least possible distraction or compromise in the goals of the project program. Further, at no time will we undertake work which, in the opinion of PACE Construction Managers, the Owner, or the design professional may jeopardize the safety of the public or endangers any property.
Our final management plan will evaluate the projects requirements including any identifiable long lead items, and recommend packages that will be most advantageous to the Owner in terms of cost or time.
During the phased construction effort, estimates, value engineering, budget criteria development, and the master schedule are worked on concurrently to maximize the available construction season.
PACE will manage the construction process, including the coordination of prime contractors, the expediting of their respective schedules, controlling of their manpower requirements, and the providing of cost control and reporting systems, all with the projects primary goals in mind.
Bidding and Procurement
The master schedule establishes the time frames for procurement. The construction schedule, asub-schedule of the master schedule, allocates time
for each construction activity. The relationships of activities included in each prime contract are considered in the development of each of the multiple prime contracts.
The procurement process begins by reviewing the current construction marketplace and labor pool. Phased prime contracts are designed to take full
advantage of the marketplace. Each contract is actively marketed to prospective bidders to ensure highly competitive pricing.
Our knowledge of the construction industry will ensure that you get both the lowest possible bid and a competent professional contractor. By effectively marketing the multiple prime contracts through construction industry sources and to contractors whose capabilities are known to us from previous associations, we provide ample opportunity for local and regional construction firms to become involved in your project. At the same time, we will reach out and access specialists, if necessary.
When evaluating potential bidding packages, other elements are given consideration in the decision-making process. Some examples of these are:
An overall systems cost
A first cost situation versus life cycle cost
Alternative materials and methods of construction
Impact on related trades and building systems
Impact on schedule and manpower availability
Identification of long lead procurement items is critical to the success of phased construction. This is true for both building materials and equipment. It is all too easy to conclude that since an item will not be installed until late in a project schedule, it cannot possibly be a long lead item. Often, though, the requirements for rough-in and connections indicate that the early identification and purchase of equipment is necessary so that appropriate provisions can be made in the Contract Documents, avoiding later change orders and rework.
Working with the Project Owner and Design Team, we will ensure the timely planning of required purchase orders. Once purchase orders are placed, our material tracking system will be used to track and expedite the materials and equipment through the submittal and delivery process.
Contract Administration
In today's litigious world, it is extremely important that contract language take into account the latest case law as it is being established in the industry, literally on a daily basis. PACE closely monitors industry claims issues, updating its contract documents as required. While this effort can be quite tedious, it can maximize your protection in this regard. Of course, during all of this we can work with your attorney, who will remain ultimately responsible for your legal representation. Good contract language provides the basic foundation for claims avoidance as well as enhance your chance to prevail in the event litigation does occur.
Another very important aspect to contract administration is the administration of the inevitable contract changes that will be required throughout the project. Often a single change presented to and approved by the Owner entails 6 to 10 and sometimes even more changes to the various contracts that the change effects. For instance, a simple change in the configuration of the building could effect changes in the drywall and acoustical ceiling contract, the floor covering contract, masonry contract, general trades contract, electrical and HVAC contracts. Our contract administration program will track and administer these changes so as to provide a clear audit trail as required.
The status of each contract is constantly tracked. This information can be reported contract by contract or summarized for those whose principal interest is the "big picture." This is always done, of course, from the standpoint of committed costs and accurate, overall cost projections. We never lose sight of the total projected construction costs.
Communications and Document Control
Project communications and documentation are integral parts of each phase. To manage a project successfully, accurate and complete records of all transactions and communications are necessary. As with all other facets of our company, we combine qualified staff and experience with state of the art technology to provide you with up-to-date documentation throughout each project phase.
To create and maintain this high standard for a project, our staff uses this technology to organize project documentation and information for easy retrieval and analysis. Every transmittal, submittal and proposed change is tracked, and even agreements made at meetings and through telephone conversations are documented.
Approved and pending changes to contracts and purchase orders are also tracked, allowing more effective and more efficient management of the project.
It is always known who holds a submittal, how long they have held it, and whether it is overdue. Because submittals are often not approved the first time around, they are regularly monitored through every review cycle even with multiple reviewers. This information is clearly shown in the Submittal Log Detail which can be provided to the Owner.
Communications fast, accurate and up-to-date are critical throughout the project. PACE takes advantage of our e-mail and computer faxing abilities as well as on-site communication to facilitate and expedite decision-making by the respective members of the construction team.
Contractor Coordination
PACE coordinates trade contractors through the on-site activities of the various specialty members of our Construction Management Team. Through Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing inspections by experienced professionals on our staff, we coordinate the various trade contractors and have them respectively mobilize and adhere to their schedule milestones.
All construction activities are under the field direction and scrutiny of our Project Manager and Project Superintendent. The Project Superintendent, in accordance with the discipline being dealt with, calls on the appropriate specialist from our staff to deal with field matters as they occur.
The conducting of periodic job conferences affords the finite coordination of activities and the opportunity to deal with conflicts, discrepancies in plans, changes in the work initiated by the Owner, and other matters relevant to the progress of the project.
Through the continual schedule update, and the physical and fiscal monitoring, the project should move ahead on an orderly, trouble-free basis to its completion.
The various trade contractors receive personal attention to all matters affecting their work throughout the course of the project's time-line.
Quality Control
PACE will be responsible for adherence to the management plan during construction. The on-site members of the PACE team will ensure that the project progress is maintained and documented. The technical support of the construction management staff will assist the on-site personnel as required.
We will ensure that contractors adhere to the project plans and specifications and that all work is done in a workmanlike manner.
Our team of professionals will endeavor to protect the Owner by minimizing the likelihood of claims through proper controls, accurate documentation, and fair and reasonable field administration. These claim resolution practices will reduce or eliminate claims.
All changes that are required will be reviewed for constructability and cost. The PACE team will monitor the implementation of any change orders.
High Quality Control for the Owner is the Result!
Safety Inspection
PACE has on its staff qualified project field personnel and a safety officer to conduct inspections of construction sites for compliance with OSHA Standards. Reports documenting the results of each inspection will be prepared and submitted to the Owner and to appropriate field personnel to monitor remedial action by the contractors involved. On-site representatives can also monitor safety performance items such as tool box talks, personal protective equipment programs, drug testing, job site fire protection and first aid availability, and personnel clearances if requested to do so.
Financial Management
Once the project is underway, you will want to focus on the cost at completion, keeping an eye on the projected variance and the effects of pending changes. The work sheets we prepare are the primary tool for analyzing cost changes and updating project costs. The source of each cost is identified in detail so that you can reference the appropriate contract, change document, invoice or requisition.
After the project budget is established, a contract is created and the budget subdivided so individual activities can progress. Contracts, purchase orders, proposals, change orders, requisitions, and invoices are linked and the components of each cost are identified. All project costs, including original estimates and actual costs, and all pending and approved changes are tracked.
At a glance, you always know exactly what was bid, what commitments were made, how much has been spent to date, and the best estimates for costs at completion.
PACE reviews and processes all applications for payment by the various trade contractors and material suppliers in accordance with the terms set forth in the contract. Cost records are broken down in detail and provided as necessary during the course of the job, and when the project is complete for use in setting depreciation schedules.
Design-Build Service
The Design-Build method of project delivery provides for the Owner to engage PACE Construction Managers to be responsible for the design and construction of a project. In contrast to the more familiar design-bid-build format in which the Owner engages the Architect and the contractors interests (maximization of profits) are sometimes adversarial to those of the owner, PACE becomes responsible for all matters related to the project from conception to completion.
The Architect is engaged by the design builder and becomes part of the construction team responsible to the Owner. In the projects initial stages, PACE will work with the Owner to assist in defining preliminary project scope and requirements. We can then recommend several Architectural firms, which in our opinion and experience, have a demonstrated expertise in the design and construction of the type of facility being considered. Using our in-house Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) capabilities, the design staff can create scaled "working" drawings for use during design development, particularly with the actual layout or floor plan of the space to be built. The PACE staff works directly with you to create a space that meets both your needs and the needs of the overall project.
General Construction Services
PACE Construction Managers has completed numerous health care, commercial, industrial, residential, religious and educational projects for many major clients in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania as a general contractor. Each project has its own set of challenges. From the technically complex to those with complex management issues, PACE's team of professionals has, at one time or another, built nearly every type of facility imaginable. This "real-world" experience is one of the foundations of our business, and also enhances our skills in providing construction management services.